6 Sex myths - true or invented?

I love sex and everything that goes with it. Clearly, otherwise I wouldn't be doing my job as an escort girl, which for me is much more about living out my own lust. I know myself, my body and the various tricks of eroticism, I know how to assess and understand my sexuality and that of my counterpart. I am therefore all the more surprised that there are still so many sex myths that persist. Today I would like to take a closer look at six of them. Perhaps you will be surprised by one or two of the results. 😉
1. Women are less likely than men to want sex
The typical film cliché: He wants sex and she moans "Oh darling, not today, I have a headache! The man walks away disgruntled, because HE always wants it more than his wife, who constantly makes excuses to avoid making love together.
But wait a minute, is that true? I know at least as many men who have no desire for sex within their relationship. Isn't that more due to the shared situation and attraction than to a lack of libido?
Men and lust
In fact, the sexual desire of women increases more slowly than that of men. For men, libido increases rapidly from puberty and peaks in their early 20s. Physical performance and sexual desire are interrelated. This is because sperm production and fertility are also at their highest at this time. Nature wants men to sow their seed as often and as widely as possible. After 30, things start to go downhill - at least as far as sexual desire is concerned, because it drops significantly after that.
Women are late bloomers
The ladies of creation react exactly the opposite way. Their libido increases from the age of 30 and is even greater than that of men from the age of 40. Although they are actually at their physical peak in their early 20s and are at the best age for having children. However, the older women get, the better they get to know themselves and understand how to express their sexual desires and needs.
Growing self-confidence and possibly also the ticking internal clock ensure that sexual desire increases until it decreases again from the menopause onwards. Nature wants women to reproduce for as long as possible and, in terms of libido, "goes one better" until shortly before the end.
In any case, this is the reason why the need for sex can vary in some couples of the same age under 30. He wants it all the time, she doesn't feel like it - which has probably given us women the reputation of being "sex poopers". But I'll be happy to prove the opposite to you. 😉
2. Too much sex causes the vagina to ‚wear out‘
Ok, this myth is not only nonsense, but also one of the often heard insults about sexually active women and girls. They get to hear things like "she's had so many guys, she must have a very worn-out cunt“. And not only behind closed doors. Because when women and girls act out, they are quickly labelled as whores or bitches, whereas boys and men brag about their conquests among themselves.
Fact: The vagina does not ‚wear out’
The vagina is a flexible, smooth muscular tube of about ten to twelve centimeters. It is extremely stretchable and adapts to the size of the penis. During childbirth, it even stretches tenfold, without being stretched out afterwards. After a few weeks, it returns to its original shape. This is helped by pelvic floor training, because this muscle is crucial for the "tightness". Most men don't feel any difference during sex afterwards.
So: How should a vagina become flabby through a lot of sex if it was designed for births? By the way, the opposite is actually the case: a lot of sex trains the muscles, which makes the vagina firmer and not flabbier.
3. Men cheat more often than women
I admit: As an Independent Escort Lady, I am indeed mainly booked by men. But does that also mean that men cheat more often and more likely than women?
No. They just do it more cleverly and are caught less often. According to an ElitePartner study from the year 2020, almost one in three women had already been unfaithful, while only one in four men had. Of course, we can't blame everything on our instincts, because we all have free will and the ability to think and draw consequences from our actions.
Reasons for cheating
But: If we look at evolution, the female sex always had to make sure to look for the male with the strongest abilities and sperm in order to produce an adequate offspring. The more choice there was, the better.
Today, this plays a subordinate role, because women cheat for many reasons: They miss the passion and want more attention and care. Men, on the other hand, are more attracted to the new, the excitement. Women tend to cheat for emotional reasons. Men cheat out of physical impulses.
4. When a woman is wet, she is aroused
It's a well-known fact that many men are not necessarily friends of long preliminary banter, but prefer to get straight to the point. How convenient when a woman is already wet "down there" after three kisses and two nipple pinches. Then it can start, after all SHE is already totally aroused and ready. Isn't she?
Wrong! A wet vulva does not automatically mean arousal. It is an automatic reaction to touch and the production of vaginal secretions is, in a way, also a protective mechanism. It's comparable to sneezing when you inhale pepper. The genital reaction therefore does not necessarily have anything to do with pleasure, horniness or sexual desire.

Real arousal through intense foreplay
There are women like me who also like to get straight to the point. But there are also the exact opposite! That's why you should sometimes take your time during sex, because intense foreplay is the be-all and end-all for many women. The female anatomy is complex and often needs more stimulation to build up real excitement.
Penetrating the vagina directly after five minutes is often uncomfortable for some women because she is not ready for it. It's important to feel out what your partner is like in bed. Ideally, a woman should show what she wants. In case of doubt, communication can help.
When you're really aroused, the vulva swells, the blood supply to the inner clitoris thighs increases and the vaginal secretion increases significantly. You can see and feel when she opens like a flower, then she sucks in fingers and penis almost by herself.
Have you not experienced this yet? Then you should invest more time and dedication in your pampering skills with some women.
5. Abstinence makes you want to have sex more
There are supposed to be couples who forbid each other to masturbate or consider it cheating in order to improve the sex in their relationship. However, I don't know if anyone has ever told them that this is rather counterproductive.
As they say, it's all a question of getting used to it. Because if you don't have sex and don't, or only rarely, give yourself a hand, you also lose sexual interest. The desire goes, the body gets used to the lack of sex hormones that control the libido.
More sex = More Desire
These are released during sex and also during masturbation, or the production of hormones such as testosterone or oestrogen is stimulated. Sexually active people who act out their desire at least (!!!) once a week have higher levels of oestrogen or testosterone than people who live abstinently.
Certainly, short-term abstinence within a relationship can lead to more desire and anticipation for each other, but permanent abstinence from masturbation and sex leads to a lowering of the libido. For men, this can even lead to a complete loss of libido and erection problems in the worst case.
So it's better to be more hands-on again when you're sexually reluctant or to make love consciously. As the saying goes: appetite comes with eating!
6. Vaginal orgasms are much more intense than clitoral orgasms
Here we have one last phenomenon or myth that has probably been significantly shaped by the porn industry. In films, women reach insane climaxes through penetration alone or squirt for all they're worth.
In fact, many women worry about never having experienced a vaginal orgasm and wonder what's wrong with them. A vaginal orgasm is still touted as the ultimate. Incidentally, the foundation for this was laid by none other than the psychologist Sigmund Freund, who dubbed the vaginal orgasm "mature" and the clitoral one "immature". 🙄
Fact: In various studies, only 20 percent of all women said they had ever experienced a vaginal orgasm. 80 per cent, on the other hand, only climax clitorally.
There is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm!
But now it gets even more interesting, because according to the latest research, the vaginal orgasm does not exist at all. At least that is the opinion of the Italian researcher Dr Vincenzo Puppo from the Italian Centre for Sexual Research in Bologna. According to Puppo, there are only clitoral orgasms and what women experience as a vaginal climax is caused by the stimulation of the inner parts of the clitoris.
This is because the clitoris does not only consist of the small outer pearl, as was assumed for a long time, but of two inner thighs that surround the vagina. In total, the clitoris is 11 to 12 centimetres larger than an average penis in an unerect state (about 9 cm).
Orgasm is therefore triggered by indirect stimulation of the clitoris, because when the penis enters the vagina, the tissues around the urethra and clitoris are stimulated. The vagina itself is rather insensitive and only sensitive in the area of the vaginal entrance. The G-spot is also supposed to be part of the clitoris.
The new erogenous zone in women
This supports the newly discovered CUV zone, also called the "clitourethrovaginal complex“. It is said to be the largest erogenous zone in women and includes the clitoral root, clitoris, urethra, vaginal wall and G-spot. All areas are said to be united by nerves and blood vessels, so that everything can react with each other through penetration and trigger a ‚vaginal’ orgasm.
Incidentally, researchers at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome found this out through ultrasound examinations. So the Italians really seem to have it together when it comes to sex research. 😉
I hope you found these myths and facts as interesting as I did and can share your concentrated knowledge at the next gentleman's evening. Especially with the knowledge about the CUV zone, you will surely make an impression. 😉

Nevertheless - feel each other intensely… and get involved with the other person… that is my motto!
Kind regards
Yours, Aurelia
Independent Escort Munich