Deep Lust - Fascination Deep Throat

Hard and pulsating, HE slides deep into the warm moist cave until he disappears almost to the stop and meets arousing resistance. My eyes closed, my head bent backwards to give you more space. Your ecstatically sparkling eyes on my face distorted by sweet agony. A sight that fuels your lust and gives you a feeling of power and superiority. Deep throat takes us both to the brink of madness ...
I think about it again and again. When I'm lying in bed or in the bathtub, standing in the shower and sucking on my fingers while I do it to myself. When I'm out and about, meeting men and my gaze automatically wanders far below my belly button. When we look into each other's eyes for the first time on our escort date and my thoughts automatically drift off into other realms. Every time I feel the hot sensation in my mouth when it is completely filled and lick my lips involuntarily.
Deep throat is not only one of my favourite fantasies, but I can't wait to make it happen every time. Kneeling in front of you and pulling your pants down to the back of your knees so that your hard cock jumps out at me longingly. I think you'll feel the same way when, during our conversation, your gaze instinctively fixes on my full lips and you just imagine them closing around your throbbing glans. Believe me, I know that's exactly what you're thinking about as you try hard to listen to my words. I find it just as hard to stop myself and would love to slide the tip of my foot up your leg to the middle of your body while we sit in a fancy 5-star restaurant and enjoy our red wine. This feeling of being watched as your David secretly grows into Goliath under the table because I rub my foot against you drives me crazy.
I lick my spoon with pleasure and let the tip of my tongue dance over the sweet dessert. As I do so, I look at you abruptly to let you know what I'm actually craving. When the waiter came up with the question "Can I have another dessert", I could only just stifle a "Yes, a horny wet deep throat", for which I then whisk you away to our hotel room.
It excites me to have you in my hand during deep throat. To determine how deep, intense and fast I take your cock in my mouth, suck it, suck and push. It turns me on to give you this intense, tight feeling and to feel your excitement. But I also love to be fucked in the mouth by you and I love it when you get the upper hand. Deep throat is a power game that drives us both crazy. How long can you stand it when I look down into your face and twirl my hard nipples between my fingers?

You will enjoy this insanely tight feeling so much. When I take you all in my mouth, my lips pressed firmly around your pulsating arousal. My tongue envelops you completely in wet saliva, which runs out of the corners of my mouth as you thrust ever more greedily. It makes you horny to use me. It feels dirty, filthy. And that's a good thing too. My fingers work your well-filled testicle and I don't miss the chance to take it into my mouth and suck on it. Our deep throat gets even hotter when I kneel in front of you and ride a thick silicone cock at the same time, while I feel YOUR cock in my mouth. This sight drives you crazy. And me the twitching desire in my lap.
With me, porn and reality merge, because I enjoy this special blow job to the fullest. I can drive you crazy in so many ways that you can't decide when, how and where you want to experience your explosion. Because when I lie on my back, bend my head over the edge of the bed and you feel the warm wetness of my throat, I will spread my legs so wide that you have a clear view. Your gaze will fall over my bulging curves directly onto my pussy, which I impatiently rub with my hands. As long as you push my mouth, I'll let my fingers or optionally a lifelike, big toy cock slide between my tender pink lips and disappear only seconds later in my shiny little hole. I just can't wait any longer to be filled up completely down there too. Your hands, which also knead my soft breasts, send me into ecstasy and I moan against your twitching bringer of pleasure, which is fuelled by my throaty vibrations. Can you imagine how fucking hot it is to be taken up and down?
If you feel like a hot adventure, then contact me...
Yours, Aurelia
Independent Escort Munich