Exciting and relaxing massages: time for intensive togetherness
This is how your escort date becomes a vey special experience
The skin shines moisturized by the wonderful massage oil that runs warmly through my fingers and tickles your senses. Everything feels so soft and tender. Yes, such an (erotic) massage is really something very special, because it creates intense togetherness without immediately aiming at the essential, i.e. sex. Instead, it slowly and steadily builds up relaxation as well as tension and desire. It helps the soul to let go and optimally prepares the body for an explosive climax. That is why I am always looking forward to escort dates with erotic massages.I like to take a lot of time for these and I attach great importance to gently exploring the body of my counterpart with my hands. From the crown of the head to the bottom and pubic area to the feet. This intensive body contact builds up a sensual intimacy that connects us.

It is not about ability, but about feeling
Erotic massage is not necessarily intended to release tension and does not have to. You don't need to be a massage professional or know any particularly unusual tricks, nor do I need to be a trained masseuse as an escort girl, because an erotic massage is all about feeling. About time, sensuality, curiosity and the joy of exploration. Here you can let your intuition guide you and perceive the body of the other person with all your senses. By the way, you can massage not only with your hands, it is much more erotic with full body use. When shiny oiled, soft, round breasts nestle against your skin and spread the wonderful oil all over. Or naked buttocks gliding up and down your back. This is not only incredibly stimulating for you, but also gives me exquisite feelings in my most sensitive areas. I also like to massage your bottom and thighs, because they are not necessarily part of the standard massage, but they are very intimate and sensitive. With sensual circular movements of my hands you can enjoy your massage to the fullest and feel the tickle of my long hair on your skin every now and then.
By the way: Even if you don't look at it right away, strong massages with pleasantly muscle-relaxing pressure are my speciality, so that you can let yourself go completely while I release your tensions in your neck, shoulders, back or legs. For example, as a final touch after a few hot hours for two, during which you've worked yourself up too much. 😉 But I equally love a gentle neck massage. What sounds so innocent triggers an enjoyable tingling sensation on my scalp.

Erotic massage in preparation for an explosion of lust
As always, the best comes last, because the intimate area is the crowning glory of every erotic massage. Here you can feel undreamt-of pleasure, but also find deep relaxation. I enjoy these tender touches just as much and find it incredibly appealing to be stroked and massaged for a long time and intensively at my most sensitive spot - without going straight for penetration. Thus the desire increases immeasurably and ends in fabulous sex. A warm shower or a shared bath round off this hot escort experience.

A massage involves all senses and body parts - that's what makes it so special. Eyes, ears, mouth and nose - smelling, seeing, hearing, tasting. Enjoying all along the line, getting the blood flowing, relaxing, pampering, merging and flowing away like the warm massage oil on our bodies. Already while writing I get the desire for this sensual experience, which ends in crackling eroticism...
Yours, Aurelia
Independent Escort