To be pampered up to the tips of your toes ... or even with...
Feet are always such a topic ... some people like them, others hate them. But well-groomed, beautifully varnished feet really do have something for themselves. And they can not only be an eye-catcher, but also do all kinds of things. All 'hand', what a play on words ...😉
Foot eroticism: the hot kick on quiet soles

I love to care for my feet and take a lot of time for it. This is especially important as an escort, because my feet carry me on the most exciting dates! A warm footbath, a regenerating mask and afterwards a nice moisturizer are necessary to make the skin as soft as a feather. Lacquered nails are of course obligatory. I like intensive red polish, which shines seductively under my black peeptoes ... Because I like to wear high shoes, my feet deserve a lot of attention. That's why I really enjoy the one or other massage from you.
But with my tender feet I can also touch you intensely. For example, at dinner, secretly under the table, when they slowly walk up your trouser leg and won't miss their target. Such a footjob can be very exciting and is not only something for foot fetishists ... Because touching your feet and toes feels completely different than you are used to.
You can use your feet to apply intense but less coordinated pressure. This "unpredictable" is the interesting thing here. I find it exciting to feel and observe how you react when my toes playfully touch your skin. It gives me a little kick because I have you firmly in my hand. So well, you know what I mean. 😉
Good to walk - taboo and desire lie close together
Bare feet were already considered particularly exciting for women in 17th century Spain and were not allowed to be shown in public. Isn't it a pity that they have fallen into oblivion today as a sensitive and even erogenous body part and play a real shadowy role in our sexual society? Feet are somehow a little taboo subject and thus in turn create a unique desire.
I love little games of hide-and-seek in public. Who would suspect in the sauna, whirlpool or restaurant that the foot has just deliberately wandered into southern climes? I can often caress you with my feet in secret and much more inconspicuously than with my hands. A thrill for both sides ...
The Footjob also offers its special charm in bed. Because lying on your back, your feet can be gently or strongly massaged and the sight of the female body creates additional visual stimulation. Even when lying on your back, the Footjob is an exciting practice. The interplay of soft breasts and warm naked skin stimulates the lust, while the promising red-painted toes spread seductively and take up their playfulness skilfully. The big advantage when using the foot: The hands remain free and can devote themselves to all kinds of other caresses. One has virtually double "application tools".

It becomes especially interesting when Footjob is joined by stockings, nylons or high heels. You can look forward to completely new sensory impressions, because different materials generate different friction and sensations. Goosebumps guaranteed...
It is simply incredibly beguiling to live out these secret desires - secretly in public or quite offensively in togetherness. In any case, Footjob is a successful change from conventional sex practices and worth a try...
Yours, Aurelia
Independent Escort Munich